Hunter is 11, almost 12 years old. He turns 12 in March. He loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a love unsurpassed. His testimony and faith is so strong it amazes me. With such a strong testimony there are times I lean on his testimony to help me through difficult times.
Hunter has the spirit of missionary work in his heart. He loves going and sitting in on discussions with the missionaries. He is excited about going on a mission. With his ability to make everyone feel welcome and loved, he will be a wonderful missionary.
Hunter has been a huge help the last few years. He has been my snuggle-buddy through it all. He knows when I need a hug and he searches me out to give me that hug. He does what's asked of him, with little to no complaining. He is his sister's biggest advocate and friend. He is an awesome tween who is well-liked by others.
Hunter brings light and happiness to those he comes in contact with. I am so blessed to have him for a son.
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